Disaster Response & Recovery Projects

ATL opened, managed and closed 3 DMS sites within the county. ATL managed C&D, Vegetation, White Goods, Hazardous waste and Title property. All material was managed and reduced by ATL-owned equipment. Work also consisted of Marine debris removal from barrier islands. All debris was loaded and transported by barge.

ATL opened, managed, and reduced all debris in 3 DMS sites for Solid Waste Authority. Vegetative debris was reduced by ATL-owned grinders.

ATL was contracted to use specialized barges and equipment to remove sediment build up from Florida Keys canals. All material was dredged, handled, hauled and disposed of by company owned equipment.

ATL was contracted to pre-position and complete the emergency push in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. All debris was removed and hauled to the DMS site.
ATL was contracted to use company-owned barges equipment to remove hurricane placed debris from the county waterways.
Marine & Environmental Projects

TL excavated and dredged the interior of an intracoastal island. Nearly 18,000 CYs were dredged, transported by tug & barge over 30 miles. All material was used to create underwater grass flats and oyster reefs. The dredged island now has two constructed jetty entrances and is used as a kayak and paddle board park.

ATL trucked and delivered 15,000CY of beach-compatible sand to create submerged grass flats and oyster reefs. All material was transported and installed by using floating barges and GPS-equipped marine excavators.

ATL excavated and installed 1.5 miles of TRM to restore and protect eroding lake banks. ATL also imported and installed riprap in critical areas.

ATL installed TRM to project eroding canal banks for over 7 miles in South Florida. Certified, submerged divers were necessary to anchor all TRM in this canal. 850 CY were also dredged around control structures. All material was handled, hauled, and finally disposed of.

ATL was contracted to clean, clear, and grub over 50 acres. In this 50 acres, ATL constructed lakes and wetlands for water storage for the county.

TL hydraulic dredged 1400 CY of built up sediment from a restricted access canal downtown Fort Lauderdale. All material was handled, hauled, and disposed of as contaminated material.